Rebranding Announcement: Wello Solutions

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Exciting News: Rebranding for a Brighter Future!

We’re thrilled to bring you some fantastic news! Today marks the beginning of a new journey as we unveil Wello Solutions, our renewed brand identity designed to better showcase the capabilities of our platform.

Why the Change?

After careful consideration, we realized that “Odyssee” posed challenges for many, both in terms of remembering and correctly spelling the name. We believe that our identity should resonate effortlessly with everyone, including new members of our community.

Why Now?

This rebranding is not just about wanting something new; it’s about aligning our identity with our commitment to providing an optimized field service management platform. Wello Solutions signifies our dedication to delivering Well-Optimized solutions, embracing a future focused on innovation, growth, and client success.

Here’s What Remains Unchanged:

In essence, while we’re embracing a fresh look, our commitment to providing exceptional service and innovative solutions remains our top priority.

What’s New:

Rebranding Highlights:

Wishing You a Prosperous New Year:

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, Wello Solutions extends warm greetings and best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a prosperous 2024. We’re grateful for your continued support and partnership, and we look forward to a year filled with shared successes and innovative collaborations.

For more information about Wello Solutions and its rebranding initiative, please visit

Here’s to an exciting journey ahead with Wello Solutions!

Warm regards,

Charles Convent

CEO, Wello Solutions

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